Project InfinoMe ( was an ambitious citizen science project to study aging and longevity by analyzing genome, fitness and sleep tracking, and dietary data. The primary research aims were to study the interrelationships between genetics and environment, or nature and nurture.
This project falls under the umbrella of the Aleph-1 Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit. (EIN 83-2119724). The primary goals of our organization is to inspire citizen scientists to tackle on the greatest health problems of our time, including aging research and solving the obesity/diabetes crisis.
We achieved many great things, including amassing a userbase of ~10k volunteers. Unfortunately, 23andMe recently disabled their 3rd party connection API, making it more difficult for projects like this to survive.

We’ve taken a long hiatus, but an exciting future is in the works. Stay tuned! In the meantime, this site will serve as a place for research updates that are in-line with our core goals impacting human health.
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